Starting With Gratitude
Welcome! I'm grateful you are here. This podcast holds a safe space to host heart-centered conversations exploring all topics reflecting the human & spiritual experience. Our inspiring guests from all walks of life & I expand on our lessons, awakenings, relationships, careers, healing, feelings, transformations, & beyond. These honest & vulnerable conversations intend to touch your heart, mind, & Spirit. I have always deeply felt that in sharing our truth we cultivate community & foster growth. So, that's what we're doing here. Every conversation starts with gratitude & remains rooted in gratitude. New episode every Tuesday. Listen on your favorite podcast platform & watch on Youtube. Please rate & review the podcast if you enjoy it! Let's feel grateful, practice conscious awareness, & journey through expansion together. Ya girl, your host - Jocelyn
105 episodes
Vanessa Bennett Is Grateful To Heal Intergenerational Trauma: The Unconscious, Radical Responsibility, & True Intimacy
When we embark on our healing journey (which is a journey of a lifetime!), it is so important to acknowledge the truths that we are not only healing from our own personal experiences but we are also healing from intergenerational trauma and fro...
Episode 100
LaNia Roberts Is Grateful To Know God: Rewriting Your Story, Being Real With Yourself, & Trusting Life
When we dream to live an unconventional life, we must fully accept that it requires us to walk an unconventional path. And unconventional paths are paths that require us to fully embrace the unknown, practice radical acceptance, and deeply trus...
Episode 99
Sabrina Flores Is Grateful To Heal Over Time: Unrealistic & Realistic Expectations For Healing & Healthy Relationships
Do we need to be fully healed to experience a healthy relationship? What is required of us to experience a healthy relationship? Are our partners at all responsible for our healing? What if we have different attachment styles? How do we know wh...
Episode 98
Jocelyn Is Grateful To Embrace The Unknown: Living In The Present Moment & Expecting The Unexpected
When we talk about living in the present moment, we also have to talk about embracing the unknown because the present moment is the unknown. This is one major reason why most people don't live in the present moment. Rather than liv...
Episode 97
Justin Tristao Is Grateful To Be Of Service: What Is Healthy Masculinity & How To Heal Unhealthy Masculinity
Living in a society that encourages unhealthy masculinity creates a society that suppresses feminine energy, which is the energy of surrender, of trust, of nourishment, of intuitive knowing. We are living in a time now where the masculine and f...
Episode 96
Arielle Estoria Is Grateful To Feel Everything: Returning To Your True Self, Defining Home, & Life Unfolding
What if all of life is a journey of unfolding into your true Self? And what if there were phases to this unfolding? Our guest, Arielle Estoria, shares with us the five phases of our life unfoldment, which she expands on in her latest book, ...
Episode 95
Madeline Popelka Is Grateful To Embody Compassion: Healing From PTSD, Generational Trauma, & Validating Yourself
PTSD symptoms don't always show up right after a traumatic experience. Sometimes the symptoms arrive years later when you least expect. For our special guest, Madeline Popelka - who is the Founder of one of the largest healing communiti...
Episode 94
Jocelyn Is Grateful To Be Here, Now: The Practice & Power of Being In The Present Moment
Imagine being able to look back at your life and say, “I was present for all of it.” I don’t know about you but I desire to be able to genuinely say that. Being present has been my main mental, physical and spiritual practice for t...
Episode 93
Shaman Redwood Is Grateful For Family: Finding Your Purpose, Being Present & Shamanic Healing
"I can really trust I am fulfilling my purpose, as long as I am Being present," shares Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Teacher, & Author, Shaman Nabeel Redwood, as he expands on finding your purpose. For Shaman Redwood, "finding your purpose" is...
Episode 92
Jocelyn Is Grateful For Her Exes: Being Grateful For Relationships That Ended
Hating on our exes honestly makes no sense to me. I wouldn’t have the healthy relationships I have now without my exes. I wouldn’t be who I am today without my exes. The acknowledgement of these two truths alone is like… why wouldn’t I be grate...
Episode 91
Leah McCloud Is Grateful For Dreams Coming True: What Is Human Design & How Does It Help You Manifest
"Human design helps us get back to our energy," explains our special guest, Human Design Expert, Leah McCloud. What is human design? Who is human design for? What are the essentials when reading a human design chart? How does it help us manifes...
Episode 90
Réyel Byrd & Jocelyn Are Grateful For Their Saturn Return: What Is Saturn Return? Why Is It Life-Changing?
This episode is everything you need to know about Saturn Return, which is a deeply transformative experience we all grow through. While our returning guest, Afro-Indigenous Medicine Woman and Spiritual Teacher,
Episode 89
Sarah Kim Is Grateful For This Season: Being In Transition, Owning Your Passions, & Becoming A Mom
Being in transition is hard. Owning your passions is hard. Becoming a mom... is hard. But just because it's hard, doesn't mean you're incapable. Just because it's hard, doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. Just because it's hard, doesn't mean yo...
Episode 88
Jocelyn Is Grateful To Manifest Healthy Relationships: How To Attract Who & What You Deserve
Over the course of the past year, I have been deepening and developing relationships that feel like answered prayers (and they totally are). It's no coincidence that the year I begin to manifest healthy relationships in my life that are good fo...
Episode 87
Crystal Streets Is Grateful For What She Has Manifested: Being An Alchemist, Embracing Death & Rebirth
An alchemist is someone who can transform any normally disempowering experience into an empowering one. An alchemist is someone who sees the medicine and the message in any mess. An alchemist is someone who doesn't run from the shadow and inste...
Episode 86
Jocelyn Is Grateful To Be Disciplined: A Successful Life Is A Disciplined Life
Some are for discipline. Other are against discipline. And for a while, I wasn't sure whether I was for it or against it but I've come to the clarity that I am absolutely for it. I not only believe that a successful life is a disciplined life b...
Episode 85
Hilary Jackendoff Is Grateful For Self-Inquiry: Turning Inward, Honoring Your Energy, & Being Your Own Teacher
When life gets tough, most of the time, people just want easy answers. So they seek for answers outside of themselves - online, in relationships, at work. And while some external findings do bring forth temporary clarity, it's never the clarity...
Episode 84
Jocelyn Is Grateful For 2023: This Year is YOUR Year, Let's Affirm It
I wasn't planning on publishing an episode specifically about 2023 but I had a change of mind, as I felt called and inspired to record a conversation we can all return to through the year and replay when we feel the need to be gently reminded a...
Episode 83
Mishko Is Grateful For Their Mental Illness: Self-Awareness, Getting Treatment, & Alchemizing Darkness
Getting to the point where you can say you are grateful for your mental illness is a journey and in this conversation, we explore that journey with Mishko. With the help of their mom leading the way, Mishko received the diagnosis' of bipolar di...
Episode 82
Jocelyn Is Grateful To Allow Her Self to “Start Over”: Pivoting In Relationships, In Career, In Life
One of the most important perspectives I gained in regards to "starting over" and pivoting in life is that... when we intuitively feel called to start over and pivot, it's a sign that we've completed a cycle and it's time to move onto a new one...
Episode 81
Welcome to Starting with Gratitude!
It’s ya girl, your host, Jocelyn, y como siempre (and as always), I am so grateful you are here. Welcome to my Starting with Gratitude podcast! This is a safe space, intended to host heart-centered, meaningful conversations explori...
Jocelyn Is Grateful For Her 28-Year-Old Self: Relaxing Is Powerful
🎙 "If my 28-year-old Self were to give a gift to my 29-year-old Self, I feel like that gift would be an open heart. I feel like that gift would be readiness. I feel like that gift would be a calm, regulated nervous system and a strong spiri...
Episode 80
Jamila Reddy Is Grateful For Answered Prayers: Being In The Feeling & Manifesting Your Dreams
🎙 "Being in the feeling is imagining something so vividly that my body feels it." - Jamila ReddyA conversation that encourages feeling and inspires willingness, Jamila Reddy shares with us this season of her life where she is e...
Episode 79
Réyel Byrd Is Grateful For Gods Timing: Liberating Your Self, Being Spirit-Led & Opening Your Heart
🎙 "If we don't have our heart open, our blessings don't come." - Réyel ByrdFrom the deep desire to expand and experience higher potentials to reprogramming the subconscious to opening your heart and beyond, this conver...
Episode 78
Jocelyn Is Grateful To Grow Comfortable & Confident Expressing The Truth
🎙 "If you have to suppress a truth in order to keep the peace in a relationship or in an environment… then is the peace really present? Where is the peace in that?" - JocelynThis is basically a conversation about why expressing...
Episode 77